The 13th edition of Metromeet, International Conference on Industrial Metrology steps into Metrology 4.0

On March 22nd, 23rd and 24th, Innovalia Metrology will be an exhibitor at Metromeet, the International Conference on Industrial Metrology

The Conference invites you to step into Industry 4.0 and the digitalization of processes. As you know, Metromeet offers an unbeatable networking power with the top companies, organizations and executives of the field. This Metromeet will have speakers from Metrosage, PwC, Innovalia Metrology, Novo Nordisk A/S, Fraunhofer IPT, Tekniker and Autodesk among others. Metromeet will also host some speeches from the PTB and the IAC.

The 2017 program has a clear focus on discovering the latest technologies and applications to optimize the production process and give the companies the opportunity to step into Industry 4.0 and be part of the future.

During these days, Innovalia Metrology will not only have a booth, but will also be an active part of the Conference with a speech on “Hybrid Metrology: More accurate and faster measurements” and a Metrolab about M3 Hybrid.

Discover the Metromeet program here and join Metromeet 2017 now!