2021, Innovalia Metrology’s return to the industrial fairs

In the second half of 2021, we have been fortunate to be able to get together again with our clients, collaborators and friends, participating again in several national and international fairs.

It is important for us to get back together and for that reason, we share with you how good we have felt and the things we have shared in these events.

Global Industrie 06 – 09 September

At the beginning of September, we went to Global Industrie. The fair took place in Lyon, France, and although it only had two editions behind it, it had the support of the current president, Emmanuel Macron. This event was attended by 45,000 visitors and 2,500 exhibitors from all over the world.
This time, we are focused on promoting one of our newest solutions, M3MHA metrological CAM software that allows measurements, alignments and corrections in machine tools before, during and after the manufacturing process of the parts

EMO Milano 04 – 09 October

The next international fair we attended was EMO MilanoThe EMO fair is known worldwide as one of the most important machine tool events, and alternates between Hannover and Milan.
The fair had more than 60% of Italian participants of which we have had very favorable responses regarding our metrological software for machine tools, M3MH.
It should be noted that at EMO we had the opportunity to present M3MH in the Speakers Corner area. An area provided by the organizers of the event in which many visitors attended to learn about the latest news in machine tools. The perfect occasion for the machining industry to see the benefits that the implementation of metrological software can bring, while the parts are being manufactured.

MECT 20 – 23 October

In October, and despite the difficulties, we flew to Japan to the MECT fairIt is one of the most important fairs in the Japanese country in terms of machining, robotics and innovation and we could not stop presenting M3MH in the country of large machine tool manufacturers.

Subcontractión October 26 – 28

After our trip abroad, it was time to exhibit at home. The Subcontratación fair takes place in Bilbao, and is a mandatory meeting point for all Basque industrial companies. At this fair we wanted to come with our most consolidated productsthree bridge-style three-dimensional measuring machines, measuring arms, measuring software. We made presentations and demonstrations of pieces to measure every day and the reception was very interesting. In particular, Optiscan excelled as the most advanced non-contact measurement system.

Metal Madrid 17 – 18 November

Finally, we exhibited at Metal Madrid. At the national level it is one of the most important industrial fairs, and it was essential to attend one of the most synergistic events at the national level in the industry.
We took advantage of this event to also come with one of our three-dimensional bridge-style measuring machines and we carried out countless personalized demonstrations to many of the visitors to our stand. What has been translated into a high interest on the part of companies that take care of the quality of their pieces according to the highest standards.

In general terms, the perception of both Innovalia Metrology and the visitors we have had, has been very positive. In all the fairs we have met many visitors, exhibitors and pavilions with very diverse industrial topics such as quality or the automation of processes. In addition, the participants were very receptive and interested in resuming business relationships as before the Covid.

The fairs are one of the most anticipated events since they give us the possibility of being in contact, see solutions and products live, they indicate where the future of the industries is going to develop, they connect us with companies and people who promote the generation of agreements and economic growth, and much more.
Therefore, this is the news that we wanted to share with you to close the year and sincerely thank you for your presence, hoping that 2022 will allow us to meet again.