Innovalia Metrology, finalist in the Advanced Factories 2021 awards in the category of best equipment for the factory of the future

Picture caption: from left to right: Jesús de la Maza, president of the Innovalia Group; Óscar Lázaro, director of the Innovalia Association and Toni Ventura, CEO of Datapixel, on June 9 at Advanced Factories.

Advanced Factories, an internationally recognized fair on industrial innovation, honors Innovalia Metrology in its 2021 edition for being one of the best enterprises in the design and manufacture of equipment for the factory of the future.

Within the framework of this inescapable event for the industry, in which the latest developments in industrial automation, cloud solutions, and artificial intelligence, among others, were presented, the ‘Factories of the Future Awards’ was held on June 9 with the objective of recognizing innovation and leadership in the industrial sector.

Innovalia Metrology, thanks to its technology that allows the implementation of an intelligent, and massive metrology 4.0 with 5G connectivity to achieve “Zero Defects” manufacturing, became a finalist in the category classified as “Best equipment or industrial system for the factory of the future”.

‘Factories of the Future Awards’ recognizes the work, leadership, and transformation of those companies that invest in innovation and adapt to the new era of Industry 4.0. This year it has had 4 categories focused on the areas of business model, new products, equipment, operational processes, customer experience or research and innovation and more than 250 applications have been received.

This award makes Innovalia Metrology once again be one of the leading companies in digitization and automation in the industrial sector, a key element for the competitiveness of client companies.