Innovalia Metrology 入驻葡萄牙

Innovalia Metrology has the ability to adapt to different markets by assessing and examining the needs of its customers. Innovalia Metrology has committed to internationalization, and every year adds partners which allow for M3 to arrive as different countries throughout the world. And now through AfterSales, the Basque company will arrive in Portugal, signing an important strategic collaboration agreement in favor of innovation and internationalization. Both companies have focused their efforts on generating synergies to boost the competitiveness of metrology 4.0. AfterSales will become the official distributor of Innovalia Metrology in Portugal, opening a future of opportunities in Industry 4.0.

Thursday, May 25th, 2017. Innovalia Metrology and AfterSales will present a workshop where they will present metrological solutions that promise to capture the attention of visitors such as M3MH or M3 Hybrid that proved unparalleled low-cost metrology features that simplify production processes. During the event, there will be a real-time demo of M3MH, the most advanced machine tool measurement software on the market that will lead Portugal’s market towards Industry 4.0.
The alliance between these two entities certainly opens many expectations and reaffirm their role as ambassadors of Metrology 4.0.

Are you going to miss it?