Innovalia Metrology presents its solutions

Innovalia metrology has participated in IMTS (International Manufacturing Technology Show), the most important industrial machinery and technology fair in the United States, celebrated in Chicago between the 12th and the 17th of September. The real time demonstrations of Innovalia´s metrology products attracted a large amount of visitors to their stand, especially quality controllers, metrologists, product chief´s and company´s executives that showed great interest towards the innovative solutions of the Basque company


More than 115.OOO visitors had the opportunity to witness the steps that Innovalia Metrology are taking to reinforce and strengthen their Industry 4.0 offer. In line with the industry 4.0 direction to create more sustainable and efficient solutions more intelligent platforms and equipment aimed at zero manufacturing defects, Innovalia has developed their hybrid measure system call M3 Hybrid which combines the classical touch probe with Optiscan, a high optical sensor. This innovate measurement system can obtain highly accurate and precise 3D measurements has had a great reception from the American manufacturers thereby solidifying Innovalia´s presence as a metrological supplier in the American continent.


After the IMTS event it has become clear that the market will need continue to adapt to the new challenges by improving their technology to create even more efficient and productive processes.


Innovalia Metrology has demonstrated at the IMTS that with its M3 Software, that is capable of managing large volumes of dimensional information and that was specifically designed for In-Line inspection together with the M3 Hybrid system. It is clear that the industry is facing a big challenge to face the technological transformation where Innovalia Metrology wants to be protagonist.