Innovalia Metrology unveils new technologies at Basque Industry 4.0 hosted by IK4-TEKNIKER

Datapixel, part of Innovalia Metrology, has taken part at the Basque Industry 4.0 initiative this March 16th, where the goal of the meeting and creating synergies among leading companies in the Basque industrial environment is to share the latest developments and trends linked to the fourth Industrial revolution. The conference has taken place at IK4-TEKNIKER, a technology center with a 36 years experience on innovation.

The day has been composed of several thematic talks that have given us the opportunity to discover the solutions that are being applied today, and have allowed the experts to share their experience.

Innovalia Metrology, represented this time by the charismatic Toni Ventura has presented the facts that make metrology one of the main engines on the path to Industry 4.0. The dialogue that IK4-Tekniker has proposed for this day has given Toni the opportunity to discuss the future of metrology and the metrological 4.0 solutions proposed by Innovalia Metrology.

M3 MH, the latest incorporation to the Innovalia Metrology portfolio, allows the optimization of any production cycle, incorporating advanced quality measuring systems in Machine tools.

The continuous search for better and faster production has led the Basque company to develop different solutions that make the quality proccesses way easier.

The commitment to offer advanced metrology solutions positions Innovalia Metrology as the driver towards Industry 4.0 and makes the concept “zero defect manufacturing” a reality for companies all around the globe.