Metromeet 2022 will celebrate its next edition in April

Metromeet announces the dates of its 18th edition. The Conference will be held in hybrid format (live in Bilbao and online at the same time) on April 7 and 8, 2022. The Metromeet organization has also opened its Call for papers and is looking for possible speakers for the 18th edition of the International Conference in Industrial Metrology.

In the last edition of Metromeet, organized by the Innovalia Group, the Metromeet Conference, the main executives of companies with greater international projection such as Innovalia Metrology, Datapixel, DMSC, Zeiss, Tekniker, GF, etc., presented the advances that were made in manufacturing thanks to the application of digital and intelligent metrology; and the use of the enablers of industry 4.0 (Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, 5G) for the improvement of the quality control systems.

From June 1 to October 31, 2021, professionals of the sector will be able to send their proposals to the organization, to assist as a speaker. During this period of time, Metromeet makes available to interested parties information about previous editions of the Conference and the topics that will be dealt with at Metromeet 2022.

The period to register to participate as a speaker is open.

Do not lose this opportunity! Sign up here!