The Z-bre4k European project concludes successfully

In March 2021, after 42 months of development, the European project Z-Bre4k came to an end, in which Trimek and the Innovalia Association have participated and in which a platform has been developed to improve the predictive maintenance of control equipment.

At Z-Bre4k, predictive maintenance strategies and models have been designed in order to reduce breakdowns and unexpected breaks and extend the operational life of factories and the equipment that make them up. The correlation of production data and quality data is essential for the achievement of these objectives and strategies.

The most significant results, the new functionalities that have been developed in the VULKAN equipment allow the monitoring of the contextual data of machine use, making possible its processing and interpretation to contribute to a more precise and efficient use of the CMM, optimizing the processes of verification and calibration, as part of a Predictive Maintenance strategy.

Z-Bre4k, therefore, has been an important milestone for Trimek and the Innovalia Association, following the path set by the Innovalia Group towards innovation and technological development of our products for continuous improvement and the development of advanced solutions and services that we offer to our clients.

If you want to know more, click on: Z-Bre4k